Convenient for customers to search information about your place. Allow access of internet secure browsing such as company’s website and catalogue. Provide cost and time efficiency. Advertisement can even be displayed based on your desire during power saving mode.
This HR Information kiosk will automatically manage employee’s profile. Cost effective for any companies who own it as it reduces the enrollment transaction expenses. Nevertheless, this machine can also process applicant data without needing the help of admin.
Allow visitor to check information regarding building directory, tenants, routing, promotions, shopping guide, and etc. Ability to facilitate the consumers in the mall to search for their desired shop and even advertise promotion to the public.
Enables screen to be positioned in a horizontal or vertical form. Choice of display mode or touch screen mode to be made. Integrated with Signworld Cloud where content can be modified at anywhere and anytime. Supports Android/Windows/IOS operating system.
Friendly information kiosk for consumer in shopping complexes, car show room, hotel lobby and airport. Fixed robust design stand that has minimum sensitivity to variations in uncontrollable factors. With our Signworld Cloud, you can upload any sort of content through electrical devices as long as there is an internet connection.