This Design Company Made The Illusion Of Ocean Waves Trapped In Architecture

Korean-headquartered d’strict produced this digital architecture via “anamorphic illusion.” As it’s been making the rounds, let’s look at what’s going on – and yeah, move over, projection mapping.

The accelerating commoditization of LED walls – and their particular presence in rapidly-expanding Asia – is making a new kind of architecturally expanded reality. The creative team, who have offices in Seoul, Jeju, and now in Shanghai as their Chinese outpost, are now in the business of licensing this sort of material to these digital canvases.

Technically speaking, anamorphosis is any intentional distortion or optical illusion. I’ve seen claims this is the world’s largest but – that’s almost certainly not true, given it would be in competition with, for example, baroque and rococo domes and ceilings. Just off the top of my head, there’s Rome’s Chiesa di Sant’Ignazio di Loyola in Campo Marzio, which has an enormous trompe l’œil mural on the ceiling.

How About Creating Your Own Anamorphic Illusion?